
Thursday, 31 October 2013

Julissa Bermudez project

We was given a life brief. To advertise the Julissa Bermudez coming to LCC. The name of event is "Enter: LCC" and our RIPWAG team came up with idea of creating a video about her.
Our main idea was to catch attention of the audience, and audience is mostly students in LCC. Most of the students doesn't know who Julissa Bermudez is, because she is not popular in the UK and other countries except USA, so we wanted to make people be intrested who she is by using irony. 
That's why we made the video funny.

This is the first version of the video we made, but then we had to replace the videos because we didn't have rights to use it.

In the final version we have decided to dress up a man as Julissa to make it even more ironic, so he pretanded to act in a very glamurous way.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Life Brief Radio Ad

 For our life brief we was given a task to write an advert which would play instead of the dial tones, when person is calling to someone. We made up a product: RIPWAG different nuts. 
The main idea of the ad was missundertanding and confusing the audience, so they would listen to the conversation.

TITLE:  RIPWAG.different nuts
LENGTH: 25 seconds
TEAM: Ellen Hannah Williamson, Alan Yu, Katierina Blomgren, Amir Al Idrus, Cem Aktay, Sonia Ute Eesha Brand

-       Orgasm sound (1 second)
-       F I love your salty nuts. I want more right here right now.
-       M Oh baby I can help you with that. I’ve got the best nuts in town.
-       Sound of wrapper opening
-       F Oh your RIPWAG different nuts are so big and salty.
-       M Yeah keep sucking
-       F Oh but they’re so big, I can’t get them all in my mouth.
-       M Well if you can’t handle it, RIPWAG different nuts come in all shapes in sizes.
-       F Really?
-       M Yeah pick your choice: chocolate covered, sugar coated, salty or sweet, caramel covered, even spicy if you want!
-       RIPWAG different nuts – pleasure your taste buds

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Movie review “Byzantium”

To me this film reminded Interview with the Vampire, although was unable to hold my attention.

Changing my plans

As I've realised that I wonе really be able to make the video, as expectations of my parents for my future are quite hight and I presume that I will not get a limo for the video.
I've decided to create video which will reflect my personality through many everyday objects. For example cup of coffee which I drink every morning, my computer and telephone, bathroom and bed. I am planing also to add text to the video, to highlight the meaning of the objects.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


We will need to do a video for our transmedia project. I already have some ideas about what about I want to make a video, but still need to think about HOW I will make it.
I would like to make a video about my future. I asked my parents and closest friends to write a short essay about how they see my future - their hopes and expectations. Depending on that I will decide how and in which style I will make my video.
Below is two quite inspiring videos, which I might use to develop my further ideas.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

RIPWAG different

 We finished our manifesto!
And I am more than proud to present it!

Monday, 14 October 2013

I am a paper man

I've got a homework to leave a mark on A4 peace of paper which shows that I exist. Easy right? 
However in the same time I should consider that there is no writing and reading exist in the world, so I can not write about myself or use any writing symbols.
At first I thought about drawing mysefls, or objects which will represent me, but then I've thought that it would be too straight forward, so I've started thinking of other ideas. 
Then I came up with idea of print my hand (or feet, or face) on the paper, and present it as my identity. I've thought about using paint for that or make up (if I am doing a print of my face). But I wasn't quite sure about it, as I felt that if there no writing exists there would be a different approach to the paper.
How we would use a paper and would it exist at all?
That was the next question, I've asked myself. I did a small research and found out (actually it reminded me of what I've already new) about japanese Origami. 
That could be one of the ways of using paper in the world were no writing and reading exists. So I've created a paper version of a human which would represent me. 

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Social Addiction

Even thought I am not a big fan of Facebook I will start with it, as this one is the most popular, not only for teenagers, but for every age.
The best opportunity that Facebook gives is to share moments of your life with your friends or with the whole world (you can decide even that).
I find it quite influential, but now it kind of loosing it's popularity because of the next candidate.

Instagram. Begining to be more and more popular every day.
 Nothing superfluous just images and opportunity to comment them.
Also the important thing is that this is not an actual web site but an app on your phone, which you carry everywhere with you, so Instagram is a huge part of your lifestyle.

Twitter. I don't really get the point of this one (what didn't stop me from having an account there as well).
Personally I don't like it because I don't feel like I want to share some of my thoughts with everyone and keep them only 140 words short, but who cares about my opinion? :)
The whole world likes Twitter!

Tumblr/Blogger - two sisters of blogosphere!
It's extremely hard to compare them even though they are very like each other. Tumblr is very crowded with some inspirational images and photos. Blogger is more about writing and personal thoughts.
But I have accounts on both :)

YouTube. I have it on the 5th place because I am kind of enoyed with their new politics of "protecting rights of everyone". I've got two of my fan videos delited because I've used materials from the series, so unfair....
But now it was the sourse of popularity for Justin Buiber, and now a lot of singers and artists use it like a way to share their work with the world.

And the last one, which is outstanding from the list as it's not so international, but from my point of view is the most useful.
It has sterted as a Russian version of Facebook, but grown as the most popular web-site in russian-speaking countries.
You can watch videos there, listen to music, chat with friends, post photos and join different sorts of clubs and societies.
It's called vKontakte, what translates as "in contact".

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Today we had our first our first proper Launch lecture and lesson.
I am in love with my course!

Don't know even what to start with. At first I was quite pleased that I knew a lot of staff that Grant (my tutor) was talking about. And a lot of my knowledge is coming from a magic book, which I was talking about before, so I am quite happy with myself for choosing the right literature.

Also after the lecture I almost physically felt like my ideas grown and developed, I was so inspired!!! (Like I am still)

That's why I think, after we came into our small groups, in our group we were on the same wavelength. 
We decided to call our group RIPWAG.
And I bet that your first thought would we: wtf is RIPWAG?
It is who we are, it is our philosophy and idea in one name. RIPWAG simply means different, changing, openminded.

The story how we created the word is also quite interesting: it appeared that it six of us in a group and all of us are from the different countries with different native languages. So basically we translated ADVERTISING in our languages, and picked the first letters of it and turned into a new fresh word, and even google doesn't know it! :)
I am very proud of my team and how well we getting on together and already turning into friends!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Simplicity as a religion

As I am living in new flat it’s quite boring to seat here without internet, so I went around a little bit to see the area where I am living.
Finally end up with a small shopping (typical woman).
All the staff that I’ve bought relates to the connection with my GF who is back home in Ukraine:
Portable iPhone charger – even more hours without seeing what’s going on around!

Postal stamps – Finally I will have chance to use this typical English post boxes!

Finally I end up in Costa with huge cup of cappuccino and had a chance to continue reading the GREAT WHITE BOOK J
Obviously my readers will need a little beet of translation as I am reading in Russian (yes, these weird symbols is Russian language itself).

Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success

To me this book became a huge discovery of advertising inside such a big companies like apple (my favorite one to be honest).

The book is extremely simple to read and gives a great view from inside how advertising company works. Also it states great points of advertising (from my amateur point of view): being simple and being emotional about thing you are going to present.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

ISHE or What Does the Fox Say?

Today was my first ISHE lesson, but I already feel a lot like advertising student J
We were watching the video during the lesson, called The Fox made by Ylvis.

I’ve searched a little bit about them and there is some interesting info about them:

Basically they are two brothers and doing sarcastic musical videos, which reminded me a lot about the Hillywood Show girls, they are two sisters as well and the whole atmosphere of videos is very similar.